Perhaps it’s true, but for the sake of such a critical application as e-mail it would be more prudent to spend as much time as possible learning the ins and outs of the server and tuning it to your system and needs.Īt about 10 MB, the server is a modest broadband download that consumes approximately 30 MB of disk space after the initial install. We find this a slightly risky proposition.

Ipswitch is marketing IMail 8.0 as a “20-minute e-mail solution.” The implication is that IMail’s streamlined installation and setup process will get your e-mail server safely up and running in less time than it takes for a pizza to arrive. The latest generation of mail servers, including IMail from Ipswitch, are addressing the overall administration of e-mail servers and providing a phalanx of defenses against the spam onslaught. Current industry estimates measure the volume of spam as accounting for 40 percent of all e-mail traffic. While maintaining and administering a smooth-running e-mail server has always required non-trivial resources, the care and feeding of e-mail systems has become more demanding in recent years, as both the massive increase in overall e-mail use and the deluge of spam has literally flooded e-mail networks. E-mail has become a vital communications tool and, for many on the Internet, even more mission-critical than the Web alone. Hosting e-mail servers is a big responsibility. (Note: In November 2004, Ipswitch rolled IMail into its Ipswitch Collaboration Suite.) While the implication is that the server’s installation process is so streamlined that it can be up and running before lunch arrives, we recommend taking the time to learn the ins and outs of the server’s anti-spam and management capabilities. Ipswitch boasts that its latest version of IMail server installs in 20 minutes.

When you add new contacts in the Web Client Address Books, the new contact information will synchronize and update in your Outlook contacts.IMail: Easy-to-install mail server with comprehensive administration tools If IMail Collaboration is installed and Contact sharing is enabled, contacts and contact groups imported from Microsoft Outlook will automatically begin synchronizing and updating in your Ipswitch Web Client Address Books on a regular basis.They cannot be edited or added to after they are imported during the Ipswitch IMail Server V12.4 installation. Note: Contact lists (distribution lists) imported from a previous version of Ipswitch Web Messaging are read only. The new data displays in the Web Messaging Contacts folder. Ipswitch Web Messaging contacts and or contact lists (distribution lists) are imported and converted in a one-time process, during the IMail Collaboration installation, that imports the contact data from the aliases.txt file.A new Contacts folder is created that includes contacts. If you used contacts or contact lists (distribution lists) in a previous version of Ipswitch Web Messaging or in Microsoft Outlook with the IMail Collaboration plug-in, the contacts and contact lists are automatically imported into the new IMail Web Messaging client.